Sunday, November 27, 2016

Visiting Hochst, Frankfurt AM Main, Germany/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting Hochst, Frankfurt AM Main, Germany/Carlos Pueblo

I was out of a coffee shop with Eugenia at Frankfurt old town street,
she liked to visit an art museum and I went on to Willy Brandt station
to catch on a train to the central station. The train which I was on was
toward west of the city, Frankfurt Hochst. Suddenly, I decided to visit
the township which brought back some memory of the early 70’s at my
one year hometown stay at Huwei, Taiwan. I went to a job interview with
a German company called Hoechst Chemical in Taipei for a position as a
sales person for its dye stuff in the leather industry. The interview was very
nice and the firm paid a round trip train tickets. I did not get the job and I
learned it after some 20 years later at Hersey Park near my old house. A
German couple came to Houston to visit their son’s family and mentioned
that he was the head of Hoechst Asia Operation and was familiar with
Kaohsiung. I mentioned that interview of mine, he laughed and indicated
that the plants was not built due to the objection of Dow Chemical in the
U.S. He could identify the young man who interviewed me at that time.
In April this year, I went to Viesbaden for the thermos experience and noticed
that I missed Hochst by 10 miles and decided to make it up on my next trip.

Hochst has been merged into Frankfurt AM Main since 1928 and is famous for
Hoechst Chemical and now is called Sanofi-Aventis still a huge chemical power
house in the industrial park of the city. The city itself is not as dramatic as
Frankfurt yet is well organized city planning. I saw some immigrant population.
Hochst reminds me Pasadena of the Houston east side industrial area except
Pasadena is a huge petroleum refinery while Hochst is a huge chemical factory
while I can still see some chimneys along the River Main.

I continued to finish my second year teaching obligation in Taiwan before I was
eligible to postpone the duty and study abroad one year later. I have never thought
that I would have this opportunity to run into Hochst and Hoechst later in my life.
I have thought of environment pollution in Taiwan for quite some time especially
pollution of waterway in Taiwan. Before the migration of factory to China, Taiwan
had had many severe protests for water and air pollution due to industrial expansion.
I closely observe German rivers in compare with Japanese and I want to know what
the people must pay the cost for the current life style for all the products.

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