Friday, September 28, 2018

Return home from a trip to England/Carlos Pueblo

Return home from a trip to England/Carlos Pueblo

Yesterday, I got home from Austin after a 4 weeks trip to England.
It has been a different itinerary from what I original plan, yet I have
had several city visits of this great Empire of the World and met many
lovely people along the way. I plan to introduce all places where I have
been, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Oxford, York, and
Newcastle. I also made a special one day visit to places like, Burton
Upon Trent, the city of Rugby, and Leeds. During those 4 weeks staying
Along cities, I also made special tour of many famous universities such
as the University of Manchester, the University of Liverpool, the University
of Bristol, Oxford University, the University of York, the University of
Newcastle, and the University of Northumbria. There are reasons why I love
to visit campuses of universities.   

 This trip is my first attempt to stay away from my previous London visits
to see more of England, of course, I did have a 4 days visit of Edinburgh
last September and yet still mainly took London as a home base. This time
I did stay away from London and hanging on for four weeks without a map
and a watch except a laptop computer. Several cities were recommended
by roommates from varies hostels and most of all were from my memories
of life time and I shall explain to you gradually.

English fought their wars mostly outside of England; therefore, they kept
their ancient buildings well and preserved well. They also built to last for
thousands years. Most of my visits were limited within the city center.
These cities are the reflection of different time in history and can be tract
to two millennia, York for instance, I can still see the well preserved castles
and Cathedrals. Many city centers have erected monuments to honor their
locals to join campaign such as Burma 1941-1945, Bristol and Newcastle
for example. I am aware of Burma Campaign against Japanese Army from
elementary history text. British Empire expanded in centuries from sea to
sea, land to land.

Manchester University, Liverpool University, Leeds University are three
Campuses where I have known someone whom I admire graduated from.
I also fulfilled my dream to visit the Rugby School and I shall explain later.

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